Biographical Info
Edith Lucy Granger (Hawkes) - 8 October 1869 - 17 September 1957
See also: Census | Directories | Smith College Years | Chicago - New York - Chicago | Move to California | Marriage & Divorce | Obituaries | Daughter - Eleanor Theodora | Martha "Mattie" Munsell Granger
The following is a bio from the Class Secretary records (from the Smith College Archives). I've retained the writing style and spelling of the original document. My notes are in italics. I have also linked to publications and other relevant sources when applicable.
Edith (Granger) Hawkes - Smith College Class of 1891
Born: October 8, 1869, at Chicago, Illinois
Parents: R.E. and Martha Numsell Granger (should be "Munsell")
Father's occupation: Agent
Prepared for college at Oakland High School, Chicago, Illinois
Editor with A.C. McClurg & Co., Chicago, 1893-1906 (see also the Chicago - New York - Chicago page)
Office Manager Harper & Bros., Chicago 1899
Married to William Hawkes (address California) in 1908
Daughter - Eleanor T. (Theodora) - born 1911 (she was born on 9 October which was one day after Edith's birthday, Edith was 42)
From the Smith Alumnae Quarterly Notes:
April 1917 Has a prune ranch in California - Rainbow Farm - Fulton, Sonoma County, California
1919 - An Index to Poetry and Recitations, new edition.
1920 - The Country School; in Sierra Educational News, March 1920.
1920 - What Constitutes a Good Small-City Newspaper (prize winner). in Santa Rosa, California Republican, September 13, 1919. (She won a trip to San Francisco for two and a pair of theatre tickets. The original prizewinner voluntarily disqualified himself because he had been an employee of the Republican. Edith then won a majority of the vote.)
1921- Postmistress at Fulton, Calif. until 1939.
1926 - Pay attention to your Uncle Sam. In Printer's Ink, October.
1927 - Editor of the New District paper, The Parent Teacher Messenger.
1928 - The Dancing Child; in Sonoma County Branch Bulletin League of American Penwomen, December 1928.
1929 - A Mother's place; P.T.A. in India; Prove it False; The Fifth Annual Convention. in Fourteenth District Parent-Teacher Messenger, June 1928.
-- Pull Together Always. in Parent Teacher Messenger, September 1928.
-- Our Gifts. in Parent Teacher Messenger, December 1928.
-- Peace on Earth, Goodwill Towards Men. in League of American Pen Women, December 1928.
-- Christmas in Central California. in League of American Pen Women, December 1928.
1930 - Coeditor of League of American Pen Women.
1932 - President of Sonoma County Branch of American Pen Women.
1932 - Jack London; a brief sketch of his life. in Overland Monthly and in Out West Magazine, May 1932.
1937 - El Camino Real. in Sonnet Sequences, August 1937.
1939 - Retired as postmistress at Fulton, California and went to live with her daughter in Santa Rosa West Sacramento (handwritten correction), California - 630 Spencer Ave.
Canadian River; a poem. in Redwood Empire Woman, September 1941 (received honorable mention in League of Western Writer's Poetry Contest, February 1941.
Progress. in Script, December 20, 1941.
Daughter, Eleanor T. was married July 3, 1937 to George E. Eggersgluess and a dau. born 1938.
Eleanor T. in State Civil Service according to Nov.1942 Quarterly (40) lived in West Sacramento, Calif. Husband was in the army at that time.